Friday, February 28, 2020

Oral presentation on golf Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Oral presentation on golf - Essay Example Thank you. Golf is a game requiring mastery in a variety of areas for success. There might be different ways to success but it should be understood that those players who show high and stable results have reached heights in the areas of mechanics, physical, nutritional, and mental. Mechanics is the development of the proper biomechanics of the golf swing. Physical entails developing the body around the golf swing. Nutrition incorporates fueling the body for proper success on the golf course. Mental is the development of the correct mind set to excel at the game of golf. Often the golfer tends to focus only upon the development of the golf swing through mastery of biomechanics of the golf swing. It is understandable why golfers spend an in ornate amount of this part of developing their golf game: developing the biomechanics of the golf swing requires the player to correctly master each phase of the golf swing (these phases are address, backswing, transition, downswing, and follow through). What the beginners at times fail to recognize is that additional categories exist requiring development to create the optimal golf swing. If ignored, these aspects can negatively affect the development of the golf swing and golf game. The next category requiring development within the golfer is categorized as physical.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Reflections on The Biblical Model for Discipleship Research Paper

Reflections on The Biblical Model for Discipleship - Research Paper Example For people to grasp and stay in the word of God, all three aspects related with gospel spreading have to be employed. These three humanity aspects include full involvement in God’s work using the soul, heart and mind. According to Paul, there is an importance in developing education in relation to Christianity as it is founded in the bible teachings. However, it is important to have the Christian teachers develop and find their strength and power from the Lord. According to Malphurs, leaders driven by value have the impression that they are not in errand of being followed, but all their actions can be used and aid the congregation with the hope that they get pleased. In his argument, he provides examples stating that having leadership in the church does not assurance one to happen to a excellent leader. This is because, a good leader is that one who has the best will and tirelessly works towards realizing the best of his leadership abilities. He emphasizes on the need to have humility, which results to respect and coordination. Christian Leader With reference to Malphurs writing on Christian leaders, serving and pleasing God is the main emphasis. He used recent research and scriptures to define biblical leadership while explaining different aspects related to Christian leaders1. Christian leaders are recognized as servants the capabilities and abilities of influencing people in contexts that can direct them into God’s ways. For this reason, Christian leadership entails a process that has servants using their abilities to woo people into the word of God. Marphurs in his argument uses Paul to show and teach about Christian leaders. Paul begins by greeting all Christian saints in Philippi who comprise of deacons and overseers. This takes us to some two popular Greek word in the New Testament; episkopos and presbuterous, which mean ‘bishop’ and ‘elder’ respectively. This renders the universal role in practice in the early chu rch as one that was centered at developing a large number of church leaders. This is in the perspective that leadership should only have exaltation directed at Jesus Christ. This is because leadership by one man would result into the exaltation of that particular icon, of which the latter should be accorded to Jesus according to the bible. Since Jesus is the sole head of the church, Paul gives a leadership example in Christianity that fosters on accrediting only Jesus. Therefore Paul never settles on greeting either the overseer or the pastor but addresses the overseers in plural. This was a sign of discouragements on one-man exaltations which contradict with the one pastor phenomena in most churches today. Paul gives another notion by clearly referring to the Philippi faithful as a people ‘along with’ their leaders rather than, a people under their consequent bishops and deacons. This gives the impression of ever Christian as a minister; every Christian has a role in t he ministry. This calls for the eradication of the general perception that there exists a unique minister responsible for overlooking on others. Some ministers may dedicate more time and energy when compared to others but the basement line calls harmonious degrees in all Christians in a ministry. Every Christian is a leader to them with only Jesus as the sole icon that deserves exaltation regardless of the roles played in the entire ministry. There exists no intermediary between the church and God in the perspective